Ballona Creek Greenway Projects

Situated in Los Angeles County, the Ballona Creek watershed drains approximately 130 square miles of highly urbanized terrain from downtown Los Angeles west to the Pacific Ocean at Playa del Rey. Historically a perennial stream, today Ballona Creek is an entirely engineered channel. Half of its length is a buried culvert, the other half is… Continue reading Ballona Creek Greenway Projects

Ballona Wetlands Restoration: Community Iceplant Removal Project, Year 1 Annual Report

The Bay Foundation (TBF), in partnership with California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Friends of Ballona Wetlands (FBW), and community volunteers, are conducting a project to remove invasive vegetation while broadening public involvement and stewardship at the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve. This report serves as the first annual report of the “Ballona Wetlands Restoration:… Continue reading Ballona Wetlands Restoration: Community Iceplant Removal Project, Year 1 Annual Report

Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve Comprehensive 5-Year Monitoring Report, December 2015

In 2009, The Bay Foundation (TBF) partnered with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC), and Loyola Marymount University (LMU) to assess the ecological condition of the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve (BWER or Reserve). The monitoring program was developed to comprehensively survey the biological, chemical, and physical characteristics needed… Continue reading Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve Comprehensive 5-Year Monitoring Report, December 2015

Aerial Monitoring of Ocean Vessels in Southern California: February 2016 – Preliminary Project Report

Objective long-term data on the type, extent and location of boating and boat-based fishing directly supports the success of marine spatial planning and resource management of coastal oceans. This project was initiated to generate an objective fishery-independent dataset to define the extent of boating activities in the state waters off the coast of mainland southern… Continue reading Aerial Monitoring of Ocean Vessels in Southern California: February 2016 – Preliminary Project Report

New Zealand Mudsnail Surveys

The highly invasive New Zealand mudsnail was first reported in the Santa Monica Mountains in 2005. The snails were collected in 4 streams during bioassessment monitoring of the Malibu Creek watershed as part of a watershed-wide monitoring program1 . As of 2014, NZMS have been detected in 14 streams in the Santa Monica Mountains. The… Continue reading New Zealand Mudsnail Surveys

Regional Monitoring Report for Southern California Coastal Wetlands – December 2015

This report is organized into several sections focused on the three tiers of the USEPA monitoring program, with emphasis placed on the rigorous, Level 3 site-intensive data evaluations. For ease of interpretation and consistency, all data are presented by wetland in order from the furthest northern site (i.e. Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve) to the furthest… Continue reading Regional Monitoring Report for Southern California Coastal Wetlands – December 2015

Contemporary and Historical Hydrologic Analysis of the Ballona Creek Watershed

The current study investigates the partitioning of native and non-native water sources for the Ballona Creek Watershed—a highly urbanized system within the Los Angeles basin. The goal is to evaluate the impact of imported water on spatial and temporal hydrologic cycling and to develop conceptual models of the system as it has evolved from pre-development… Continue reading Contemporary and Historical Hydrologic Analysis of the Ballona Creek Watershed