This report is organized into several sections focused on the three tiers of the USEPA monitoring program, with emphasis placed on the rigorous, Level 3 site-intensive data evaluations. For ease of interpretation and consistency, all data are presented by wetland in order from the furthest northern site (i.e. Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve) to the furthest southern site (i.e. Los Cerritos Wetlands); this is true for sub-sections, graphs, and tables.
Within the Level-3, or site-intensive monitoring section, there are subsections pertaining to each of the focus parameters, including: water and soil quality, vegetation, birds, and terrestrial invertebrates. Protocols were prioritized based on frequency of use in other monitoring programs throughout the State of California (see Appendix A in Johnston et al. 2015), and data gaps identified at the primary assessment wetlands (e.g. lack of vegetation data for Los Cerritos Wetlands complex made that a priority).
The reports subsections are organized as follows:
— Level 1: Site Description and Reference Site Selection
— Level 2: California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM)
— Level 2: Photo Point
— Level 3: Water and Soil Quality
— Level 3: Vegetation
— Level 3: Bird Abundance
— Level 3: Terrestrial Invertebrates
— Conclusions: Regional Wetland Condition