Standard Operating Procedures (4.3): Fish Cameras – Baited Remote Underwater Video

Defining the fish assemblage of a wetland can be difficult, due to the highly mobile nature of the fauna. Characterizing wetland fish assemblages is often a primary goal of monitoring efforts, but besides the mobility, there are often inherent biases associated with sampling methodologies. Therefore, it is often advantageous to use a variety of methodologies… Continue reading Standard Operating Procedures (4.3): Fish Cameras – Baited Remote Underwater Video

Congress Moves to Invest in the Nation’s Estuaries, Including Santa Monica Bay NEP

Beautiful Lagoon in Malibu at sunset. Malibu Lagoon State Beach

Congress reaffirmed its support and strong commitment to the National Estuary Program, a time tested, non-regulatory program that enables communities to restore and protect the bays and estuaries they call home. The Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Program (SMBNEP), a partnership between the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission and The Bay Foundation, is one of… Continue reading Congress Moves to Invest in the Nation’s Estuaries, Including Santa Monica Bay NEP

Bay Foundation Fights Beach Degradation with the Power of Plants

One might not think much of a ragweed plant, but this sand growing species and others like it have the ability to fight erosion, protect from sea level rise, and increase biodiversity — pretty impressive for a little shrub. The Santa Monica-based Bay Foundation is capitalizing on the power of coastal plants to help fight… Continue reading Bay Foundation Fights Beach Degradation with the Power of Plants

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As Kelp Forests Again Reach for the Ocean Surface in Santa Monica Bay, Life Follows.

The difference is like night and day. What was once a barren underwater landscape of reef overrun by millions of urchins is now a kelp forest teeming with life. Anchored to the sea floor, long stalks of kelp tower in the water, their giant fronds bouncing with the current. Schools of fish flit through the… Continue reading As Kelp Forests Again Reach for the Ocean Surface in Santa Monica Bay, Life Follows.

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LMU Coastal Research Institute Tackles Coastal Resilience to Climate Change

Launched in the fall of 2017, the Loyola Marymount University Coastal Research Institute (CRI) is making inroads into understanding how climate change is impacting the Santa Monica Bay and local coastal waters. CRI is a collaboration between LMU Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering and The Bay Foundation, a nonprofit founded in 1990… Continue reading LMU Coastal Research Institute Tackles Coastal Resilience to Climate Change

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Santa Monica’s Natural Dune Restoration Project Celebrates 4 Years

To improve the biodiversity and resilience of Santa Monica’s beaches, and to address potential impacts of sea level rise, the City of Santa Monica partnered with The Bay Foundation to pilot a Natural Dune Beach Restoration Project in 2016 near Annenberg Community Beach House in the North Beach area. The project has brought back a… Continue reading Santa Monica’s Natural Dune Restoration Project Celebrates 4 Years

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