Meet the Company Creating Sushi that Heals the Ocean

When the 2011 tsunami struck Japan, the topside damage was easy to see: more than 400,000 homes were destroyed, and over 23,000 people died or went missing. Its underwater devastation took longer to spot. Just as the wave battered human neighborhoods, it blasted apart marine communities. Larger species moved out like refugees and, with few… Continue reading Meet the Company Creating Sushi that Heals the Ocean

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California Estuarine Wetland Monitoring Manual (Level 3)

This manual updates a previous framework to guide the development of coastal, perennial estuarine wetland monitoring programs throughout California by providing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and recommended protocols. As a living document that continues to be developed, this version has new and modified protocols, and it is anticipated that further changes to these will be… Continue reading California Estuarine Wetland Monitoring Manual (Level 3)

Recycling Fishing Lines

When improperly disposed of or when a line breaks, fishing lines end up abandoned in our marine environment as marine debris and have many harmful consequences. Follow this guidebook to learn how to recycle fishing lines to protect wildlife and boats.

Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Program Comprehensive Monitoring Program – April 2021

The Santa Monica Bay region needs a Comprehensive Monitoring Program (CMP) to inform the community and interested stakeholders on the status and trends of the condition of key habitats. The purpose of the CMP is to provide a framework to use monitoring data to inform managers, practitioners, and the public on conditions and trends that… Continue reading Santa Monica Bay National Estuary Program Comprehensive Monitoring Program – April 2021