Santa Monica’s New Back-to-Nature Beach Project Has Drawn the Attention of Rare Birds. But Can Beach-Goers Let Them Live in Peace?

On a popular beach that is groomed, sifted and devoid of vegetation, Santa Monica officials and a local environmental group are restoring three acres of sand to a more natural state. The city and the Bay Foundation have fenced off a swath of shoreline, planted native species and taken steps to build up the beach… Continue reading Santa Monica’s New Back-to-Nature Beach Project Has Drawn the Attention of Rare Birds. But Can Beach-Goers Let Them Live in Peace?

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Efforts to Maintain the California Beach

In order to help California to protect the beach resources, Santa Monica and the environmental organization Bay Foundation today launched a beach rehabilitation project, hoping to retain the golden beach of California by the power of nature. (Story is in Mandarin and English)

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‘Re-wilding’ a Santa Monica Beach to Protect Against Sea Level Rise

At the north end of Santa Monica Beach, there’s a fenced off 2-acre section that looks a bit unkempt. It’s an experiment in “re-wilding,” or restoring the beach to what it looked like before humans altered it. The pilot project, a partnership of The Bay Foundation and Santa Monica, could also help protect the city… Continue reading ‘Re-wilding’ a Santa Monica Beach to Protect Against Sea Level Rise

UCLA Students Study Acidification of Kelp in Santa Monica Bay

One month ago, Ariel Pezner spent nine hours straight aboard a research vessel in the Santa Monica Bay, circulating the waves above an underwater kelp forest. Pezner, a fourth-year environmental science student, is part of a six-person student team studying ocean acidification in a rehabilitated forest of kelp off the coast of Palos Verdes, California.… Continue reading UCLA Students Study Acidification of Kelp in Santa Monica Bay

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Calif. City Tries Shifting Sands Amid Disappearing Beaches

Santa Monica’s beaches, famed as the birthplace of the mid-20th-century fitness boom, have been as intentionally sculpted as Arnold Schwarzenegger’s pecs at the peak of his beachside bodybuilding career. In 1934, the same year that a New Deal program brought fitness equipment to what would become Muscle Beach, the city of Santa Monica installed an… Continue reading Calif. City Tries Shifting Sands Amid Disappearing Beaches

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Ballona Wetlands Restoration: Community Iceplant Removal Project Final Report

The Bay Foundation (TBF), in partnership with California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Friends of Ballona Wetlands (FBW), Loyola Marymount University, and community volunteers are conducting a project to remove invasive vegetation while broadening public involvement and stewardship at the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve (Reserve). This report serves as the final product for the… Continue reading Ballona Wetlands Restoration: Community Iceplant Removal Project Final Report

Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project – Implementation and Monitoring Plan

This pilot project aims to restore approximately three acres of sandy coastal habitats located on the beaches of Santa Monica by utilizing existing sediments to transform a portion of the current beach into a sustainable coastal strand and foredune habitat complex resilient to sea level rise. This document details the goals, implementation and monitoring plan… Continue reading Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project – Implementation and Monitoring Plan

Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project – Project Update Report December 2016

This report summarizes activities for the Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project from the time period December 2015 through the end of November 2016. During this time period, substantial outreach was conducted, the partnership and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between The Bay Foundation (TBF) and the City of Santa Monica was finalized, permitting was applied… Continue reading Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project – Project Update Report December 2016