Inglewood School Community Garden Provides Food Forest, Environmental Benefits for Community

The Environmental Charter Middle School Inglewood (ECMSI) Community Garden, located just outside of ECMSI’s campus on West 115th Street, Inglewood, CA, is a year old and thriving. Established in partnership with The Bay Foundation (TBF) in 2020 with U.S. EPA Environmental Justice Small Grants Program funds, a previously barren parkway is now a food forest… Continue reading Inglewood School Community Garden Provides Food Forest, Environmental Benefits for Community

Environmental Charter Middle School-Inglewood Community Garden Case Study

In October 2020, with funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, three raised garden beds and two in-ground garden beds were built right outside of the ECMSI campus. The ECMSI community garden’s goal is to empower the community by increasing health and social equity while simultaneously localizing solutions to food access, climate change, and air… Continue reading Environmental Charter Middle School-Inglewood Community Garden Case Study

Following the Food Scraps

Podcaster Alyssa B. interview TBF’s Community Engagement Coordinator Dalia Gonzalez as she investigates where all of LMU’s food waste ends up — and why its final destination is so important. This is On the Rails, the podcast that dives into the hidden processes and unknown individuals that keep our everyday lives running smoothly.

L.A. Gardens That Grow Strong Communities, Hosted by Jill Buck

This episode of Go Green Radio presents two very special community garden projects in Los Angeles. These gardens grow so much more than plants and food – they nourish the hearts and minds of the people in the community around them. Starting at the 31:10 minute mark, hear The Bay Foundation’s Georgia Tunioli and Environmental… Continue reading L.A. Gardens That Grow Strong Communities, Hosted by Jill Buck

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Back to School: Kids at the Environmental Charter Schools in South L.A. Are Taking Climate Change into their Own Hands

Bordered by Gardena Boulevard and nestled between apartment buildings in a converted church in a gritty section of Gardena, a wild tomato seedling has sprouted from a corner of the compost heap at Environmental Charter Middle School, showing hope for the future. Students Giovani Benitez and Kevin Luna just welcomed a wheelbarrow of food waste… Continue reading Back to School: Kids at the Environmental Charter Schools in South L.A. Are Taking Climate Change into their Own Hands

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Case Study: Scoops Chinatown

Scoops Chinatown is successfully implementing ReThink Disposable best practices, with the business certification completed through a partnership between Clean Water Fund and The Bay Foundation. Find out more details in this Case Study.

Case Study: Palette Food and Juice

Palette Food and Juice, located in Atwater Village, Los Angeles, serves farm to table fast-casual foods and fresh juices. Palette prides itself in using local, sustainability grown ingredients that yield nourishing meals that are both healthy for patrons and the planet. As a result of implementing ReThink Disposable’s recommendations, Palette Food and Juice reduced their… Continue reading Case Study: Palette Food and Juice