Kelp Forest Habitat Restoration Has The Potential To Increase Sea Urchin Gonad Biomass

(Abstract) When taking an ecosystem-based approach to marine resource management, managers may be able to implement a combination of management tools in order to mitigate the socioeconomic impacts of implementing any one in isolation, while providing greater overall ecological benefits. The harvest of Strongylocentrotus franciscanus (red sea urchin) for their gonads is one of the… Continue reading Kelp Forest Habitat Restoration Has The Potential To Increase Sea Urchin Gonad Biomass

Halibut Sexing Research Final Report – February 2014

The primary goals of this project were to test a non-lethal method of determining the sex of California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) and to obtain samples in a way that avoids causing additional mortality to a significantly depleted resource. Secondary goals are to also build capacity for collaborative research with California Department of Fish and Wildlife… Continue reading Halibut Sexing Research Final Report – February 2014

Development and Application of Genomic Tools to The Restoration of Green Abalone in Southern California

(Abstract) Due to severe declines in abundance throughout southern California, the green abalone (Haliotis fulgens Philippi 1845) became protected under a state-sponsored fishery moratorium in 1997 and was declared a NOAA NMFS Species of Concern in 2004. Recently, H. fulgens was chosen for possible stock restoration via translocation of wild adults to depleted habitat and supplementation through releasing… Continue reading Development and Application of Genomic Tools to The Restoration of Green Abalone in Southern California

Aerial Monitoring of Ocean Vessels in Southern California – August 2013

Objective long-term data on the type, extent and location of boating and boat-based fishing directly supports the success of marine spatial planning and resource management of coastal oceans. This project was initiated to generate an objective fishery-independent dataset to define the extent of boating activities in the state waters off the coast of mainland southern… Continue reading Aerial Monitoring of Ocean Vessels in Southern California – August 2013

Clean Bay Certified Restaurants

        The proper management of these wastes can make a significant improvement in the health of Santa Monica Bay. In 2008, The Bay Foundation (TBF) launched the Clean Bay Restaurant Certification Program (aka Clean Bay Certified) to recognize restaurants that integrate sustainability and ocean-mindedness into their business practices. Clean Bay Certified identifies… Continue reading Clean Bay Certified Restaurants

Clean Boating

With four million boaters, California has one of the highest levels of recreational boating in the United States. This large volume of recreational activity in our waterways can come at a cost. Boat-based pollutants such as sewage, used oil, household hazardous waste, marine debris, aquatic invasive species, and emerging contaminants impair our waterways. To protect… Continue reading Clean Boating