Holding Fast, or Failing? There Are Dozens of Confounding Elements Working Against Abalone Recovery on the California Coast.

For years, abalone have been in serious decline in California. While abalone shells persist, molded into sidewalk benches, nailed onto signposts, and laid on countless tribal gravestones, the animals themselves — seven species of which inhabit California waters — all continue to dwindle from their kelp forest homes. This stark reality is the result of… Continue reading Holding Fast, or Failing? There Are Dozens of Confounding Elements Working Against Abalone Recovery on the California Coast.

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Whales are dying, but numbers are unknown. Coronavirus has stalled scientific fieldwork.

As gray whales began their northern migration along the Pacific coast, earlier this month — after a year of unusually heavy die-offs — scientists were poised to watch, ready to collect information that could help them learn what was killing them.  The coronavirus outbreak, however, has largely upended that field work — and that of… Continue reading Whales are dying, but numbers are unknown. Coronavirus has stalled scientific fieldwork.

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Can the Long-Lost Abalone Make a Comeback in California?

Hunched over a tank inside the Bodega Marine Laboratory, alongside bubbling vats of seaweed and greenhouses filled with algae, Kristin Aquilino coaxed a baby white abalone onto her hand. …To the untrained eye, they appear pretty drab. But in this humming lab, home to more white abalone than in the wild, these invertebrates have captured… Continue reading Can the Long-Lost Abalone Make a Comeback in California?

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Talk Nerdy with Cara Santa Maria: Interview with TBF’s Heather Burdick

In this episode of Talk Nerdy, science journalist Cara Santa Maria is joined in studio by Heather Burdick, the Director of Marine Operations for The Bay Foundation. They talk about Heather’s Marine Program work on various projects involving research, monitoring, and ecological restoration throughout Santa Monica Bay. They specifically discuss the Palos Verdes Kelp Restoration… Continue reading Talk Nerdy with Cara Santa Maria: Interview with TBF’s Heather Burdick

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Image of the Day: Ab Lab

Disease and overharvesting have depleted the types and quantities of abalones (Haliotis rufescens) found in Santa Monica Bay. The Bay Foundation has been trying to replace the marine snails to their natural habitats since 2010. Most recently, the organization has been spawning abalones in a research laboratory with plans to reintroduce them into the kelp… Continue reading Image of the Day: Ab Lab

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What’s Being Done to Revive L.A.’s Decimated Abalone Population

In the Bay Foundation’s two-year-old Abalone Research Laboratory on Terminal Island, abalone of varying sizes pass their days submerged in white tanks of saltwater. They look more like bewhiskered stones than snails, but when a palm-size one is removed from the water, the mollusk rises up on the muscular foot it uses to attach to surfaces… Continue reading What’s Being Done to Revive L.A.’s Decimated Abalone Population

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SCAS Member Project Update: TBF Abalone Research and Restoration

The Bay Foundation (TBF), a research based environmental non-profit and affiliate of Loyola Marymount University’s Coastal Research Institute (CRI), constructed a laboratory for abalone research and restoration projects in 2016. This research lab allows TBF to conduct controlled experiments to better understand abalone broodstock conditioning and spawning behavior. The “Ab Lab” is located at the… Continue reading SCAS Member Project Update: TBF Abalone Research and Restoration

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