One of three infographics created to teach kids about the effects of climate change.
Resource Type: Maps & Infographics
Save Energy, Save LA
One of three infographics created to teach kids about about the world’s energy imbalance and conservation tips.
Save Water, Save LA
One of three infographics created to teach kids about water conservation.
Certificación Clean Bay Para Restaurantes Que Integran La Sustentabilidad Y El Cuidado Del Mar A Sus Prácticas De Negocios
Por qué y cómo los restaurantes pueden integrar la sustentabilidad y el cuidado del mar a sus prácticas de negocios.
Clean Bay Certified For Restaurants That Integrate Sustainability & Ocean-Mindedness into Their Business Practices
Why and how restaurants can integrate sustainability & ocean-mindedness Into their business practices.
Water at The Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve
This graphic depicts the current limited state of water availability in the Reserve and some of the resulting impacts.
Disturbance at The Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve
This graphic helps you visualize the amount of sediment that has been added to the Reserve historically, and how that has changed the system. Take a look at how long it would take to redistribute construction fill that has been added to the site over time.
Invasives at The Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve
Below you will find a graphic showing the current state of the native and non-native plants found in the Reserve. If no changes are made towards restoration and existing management policies remain the same, the system will continue to degrade.
Public Access at The Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve
The graphic below shows the accessibility of the Reserve to the general public.
Ballona Wetlands Restoration Project: Alternatives
A graphic that summarizes the four proposed restoration alternatives proposed in the draft Environmental Impact Report / Statement.