Standard Operating Procedures (2.2): Soil Grain Size and Organic Content

The objective of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to describe the equipment and protocols for analyzing soil grain size and the percentage of organic matter in the sample. With some modifications, organic content analyses can be modified to assess “blue carbon” stored in soils, which is critical for understanding the role of wetlands in… Continue reading Standard Operating Procedures (2.2): Soil Grain Size and Organic Content

Standard Operating Procedures (3.6): Seed Collection and Germination

This document outlines the basic seed collection and germination strategies to be employed within southern California estuarine and adjacent upland habitats. For more detailed information on specific plant species, see Barton et al. 2016, published in the Bulletin of Southern California Academy of Sciences, which lists available information for 84 native plant species common to… Continue reading Standard Operating Procedures (3.6): Seed Collection and Germination

Standard Operating Procedures (4.3): Fish Cameras – Baited Remote Underwater Video

Defining the fish assemblage of a wetland can be difficult, due to the highly mobile nature of the fauna. Characterizing wetland fish assemblages is often a primary goal of monitoring efforts, but besides the mobility, there are often inherent biases associated with sampling methodologies. Therefore, it is often advantageous to use a variety of methodologies… Continue reading Standard Operating Procedures (4.3): Fish Cameras – Baited Remote Underwater Video