Pre- and Post-Restoration images and maps (Underwater Arch Cove and Honeymoon Cove).
Topic Category: Restoring Oceans
Marina Protected Areas & Aerial Monitoring
Since 2008, The Bay Foundation (TBF) and its partner LightHawk have been conducting coastal aerial surveys of boating activities in state waters off the mainland coast of Southern California. Monitoring is focused on the Southern California Bight, divided into two transects—the north transect, which stretches from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to Point Conception, and… Continue reading Marina Protected Areas & Aerial Monitoring
Eelgrass Research and Restoration Program
Eelgrass (Zostera spp.) is a marine flowering plant that forms “meadows” and is found in temperate regions throughout the world. The Bay Foundation (TBF) and project partners are working to restore eelgrass meadows while conducting research on the plant and its habitat. Eelgrass are economically and ecologically valuable marine habitats. They and other seagrasses provide… Continue reading Eelgrass Research and Restoration Program
Kelp Forest Hydrodynamics
Frequent storms and larger waves pounding the Southern California coastline are major causes for concern if we hope to preserve our beaches and rocky shorelines for future generations to enjoy. The Bay Foundation (TBF) spearheaded a study to investigate how we can protect our shorelines using kelp forest restoration techniques. A variety of tools are… Continue reading Kelp Forest Hydrodynamics
Kelp Forest Restoration Project
The kelp forest ecosystems off the southern California coast are known to be some of the most diverse and productive ecosystems in the world. They are vital for providing habitat and food for over 700 marine species, including kelp bass, California spiny lobster, abalones, marine mammals, birds, and fish. Many of these kelp forest species… Continue reading Kelp Forest Restoration Project