LMU Coastal Research Institute Tackles Coastal Resilience to Climate Change

Launched in the fall of 2017, the Loyola Marymount University Coastal Research Institute (CRI) is making inroads into understanding how climate change is impacting the Santa Monica Bay and local coastal waters. CRI is a collaboration between LMU Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering and The Bay Foundation, a nonprofit founded in 1990… Continue reading LMU Coastal Research Institute Tackles Coastal Resilience to Climate Change

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Santa Monica’s Natural Dune Restoration Project Celebrates 4 Years

To improve the biodiversity and resilience of Santa Monica’s beaches, and to address potential impacts of sea level rise, the City of Santa Monica partnered with The Bay Foundation to pilot a Natural Dune Beach Restoration Project in 2016 near Annenberg Community Beach House in the North Beach area. The project has brought back a… Continue reading Santa Monica’s Natural Dune Restoration Project Celebrates 4 Years

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Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project – Year 4 Report

This report summarizes activities for the Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project from December 2015 through August 2020. The restoration was implemented in two phases over the course of two weeks in December 2016, including the installation of fencing and seeding of native coastal strand vegetation species. For details on the implementation efforts and prior… Continue reading Santa Monica Beach Restoration Pilot Project – Year 4 Report

Can the Forests of the World’s Oceans Contribute to Alleviating the Climate Crisis?

Sixty years ago, Tasmania’s coastline was cushioned by a velvety forest of kelp so dense it would ensnare local fishers as they headed out in their boats. “We speak especially to the older generation of fishers, and they say, ‘When I was your age, this bay was so thick with kelp, we actually had to cut… Continue reading Can the Forests of the World’s Oceans Contribute to Alleviating the Climate Crisis?

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Malibu Living Shoreline Project: Baseline Assessment and Site Characterization May 2020

This document is a supplemental site evaluation report to summarily characterize historical and existing conditions for Zuma Beach and Point Dume Beach within and adjacent to the areas proposed for restoration as part of the Malibu Living Shoreline Project (Figures 1a and 1b). For additional details on the restoration plan, please see the Malibu Living… Continue reading Malibu Living Shoreline Project: Baseline Assessment and Site Characterization May 2020

Malibu Living Shoreline Project Implementation and Monitoring Plan May 2020

Implementation and Monitoring for the Malibu Living Shoreline Project, which aims to restore approximately three acres of sandy coastal habitats located on the beaches of Malibu by utilizing existing sediments to transform a portion of the current beach into a sustainable coastal strand and foredune habitat complex resilient to sea level rise. As an alternative… Continue reading Malibu Living Shoreline Project Implementation and Monitoring Plan May 2020

Holding Fast, or Failing? There Are Dozens of Confounding Elements Working Against Abalone Recovery on the California Coast.

For years, abalone have been in serious decline in California. While abalone shells persist, molded into sidewalk benches, nailed onto signposts, and laid on countless tribal gravestones, the animals themselves — seven species of which inhabit California waters — all continue to dwindle from their kelp forest homes. This stark reality is the result of… Continue reading Holding Fast, or Failing? There Are Dozens of Confounding Elements Working Against Abalone Recovery on the California Coast.

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